

Take-away for the next generation

DeLight is a new type of hybrid package, where paperboard is enchanced with polymers.

The secret is in the strengthened rim, which ensures that even the most challanging forms hold together and are effectively sealed.

DeLight offers a great possibility to really stand out from the crowd with an inspring brand.


Temperature  -40….+200°C

Microwave oven, oven and freezer safe – even a convection oven

Excellent barrier properties

Packaging is suitable for MAP (Modified Atmosphere packaging)

Excellent UV properties

Excellent light protection (UV)

Advanced printability

Large printing area and compatibility with all major printing technologies max. 6 colors + coat


Wide material selection

Good selection of coats, bioplastics can be used

Environmentally friendly choice

Can be recycled and recovered in package recycling schemes.

Low carbon footprint

Lower corbon footprint compared with other packaging solutions

A wide product range

Our product range consists of various sizes and shaped trays.
Customized is also possible. DeLight products have unique shape, soft and comfortable surface.
The packaging is suitable for MAP and has excellent light barried properties.

Lid options

DeLight trays are suitable for MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packaging) and has excellent light barrier properties.

Sliding covers and window applications add funtionality and posibilities for sealing the trays.
